


Billingham 335 MKII Camera/Laptop Bag (售價$4500 , 訂金 $500)

預計取貨日期  : 待定

建議零售價: HK$ 4500 訂金 $500 , (餘款只限 FPS或現金支付)

** 請注意, 預購訂單一經確定, 所有訂金不能退款

HK$ 500

天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm香港行貨 1


Black FibreNyte / Black Leather
Sage FibreNyte / Chocolate Leather
Khaki Canvas / Tan leather
Navy Canvas / Chocolate Leather

The 335 MKII is an updated version of our classic 335 bag and sits in the middle of our 5-Series MKII range for size. As such it perfect for carrying 2 DSLR or mirrorless cameras with small to medium lenses attached or 1 camera with a selection of lenses. This camera bag has a total of 10 pockets, including a full length front pocket that can hold a 14” laptop, tablet or accessories. Made in England with 3-layer waterproof fabric and real leather.





贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 550
贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 500
贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 500
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