


Billingham 225 MKII Camera/Tablet Bag (售價 $4250 , 訂金 $500)

預計取貨日期  : 待定

建議零售價: HK$ 4250 訂金 $500 , (餘款只限 FPS或現金支付)

** 請注意, 預購訂單一經確定, 所有訂金不能退款

HK$ 500

天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm香港行貨 1


Black FibreNyte / Black Leather
Sage FibreNyte / Chocolate Leather
Khaki Canvas / Tan leather


Supplied with the bag are several dividers that can be repositioned or removed to provide different options to arrange your equipment. The dividers you see in the picture are included (also included is a SuperFlex Flap, not pictured).


Enhance your organisation further with 17 different sizes/styles of padded dividers available as optional extras to further customise the bag to your gear:


Please note:

  • The internal height of the 225 MKII means it is too small to accept the '9-21', '10-21', '11-21' and '12-21' size SuperFlex partitions like the other 5-Series MKII7-Series and 550 bags can. 
  • Pro-tip: The 'DF 15-15' divider reaches front-to-back inside the main compartment of this bag, making it particularly good for some set-ups (e.g. placing two cameras next to each other in the bag).
  • SuperFlex Partitions are flexible so fit items slightly wider than their dimensions suggest.

11inch (or smaller) iPad in front full-length pocket (you may wish to add a slim case for protection).

DSLR with a lens attached (e.g. Canon 1DX, Nikon D6, Canon 5D, Nikon D850) plus 1-3 lenses depending on their size.

Mirrorless camera with lens attached (e.g. Fujifilm XT-4, Sony A7IV, Canon R6, Nikon Z7 - with or without a battery grip) plus 1-3 lenses depending on their size.

Two rangefinder cameras (e.g. Leica M10, Leica M6) with lenses attached and 2 spare lenses.

Medium format cameras (Fujifilm GFX 50S, Hasselblad H6D, Hasselblad 500CM etc) with lens attached and 1-3 extra lenses.




贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 550
贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 500
贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 500
贈品 ~ 天祥精美鏡頭布 30x30cm
HK$ 200

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